- Networked dance project
15 July 2006, New Plymouth
ADA@S... SYMPOSIUM TIMETABLE Saturday 15th July: 12 - 1pm -- Registration at the lecture theatre, WITT campus, use Hobson St entrance - Lecture Theatre can be seen from the street. 1 - 1.50 -- Introducing SCANZ artists and their projects. 1.50 - 2.30 Session One: Environmental Response Keynote Presentation: Danny Butt "Local Knowledge: Place and New Media Practice" 2.30 - 3pm -- Afternoon Tea 3 - 4.00pm -- Session Two : Connection/Disconnection Keynote Presentation: Su Ballard, "Distraction and Feedback: sound connections." With a panel of SCANZ audio artists. 4 - 5.00pm -- Project presentations and announcements/calls for participation from C5, Adam Hyde and Dan Agnihotri-Clark. 6.00 pm Exhibition Opening at Govett-Brewster Art Gallery Opening of the exhibition of works at the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery. 7.00 pm Presentation Evening at Govett-Brewster Art Gallery The Govett-Brewster Art Gallery will host a presentation and performance event by SCANZ artists on the 15th of July beginning at 7pm. Presentations will include works in process from the residency and performances. SCANZ projects include the creation of a solar powered kite that broadcasts the sound of the extinct Huia, GPS mapping and 3D modelling of Mt. Taranaki, the creation of a multi-cultural and interdisciplinary Aurora Australis project, the sonification of Taranaki weather data, a project that aims to capture sufficient breath to change the weather, the interrogation of radio in the Pacific theatre of World War 2, along with the creation of synergies between the cultural and personal, and smells. Presentations also include a multi-country internet performance troupe and online interaction with SCANZ Virtual Artist in Residence Josh On. Symposium Dinner Dinner at local restaurant. Cost $30 per person at Pankawalla. Sunday 16 July: Skill Sharing Workshops and Discussion. 9.30AM - 12.30PM ELECTRONICS FOR THE INTIMIDATED Diana Burgoyne - 90mins, max 6-10 ppl - 9.30am Learn to play the banana. Or make a fruit orchestra. An introduction to creative electronics and energies. / / / Bring: 9v battery, and a fruit (or vege). Electronic kit can be bought for NZ$15 if you wish to keep. STEREOPHONIA Jim Bell - 30mins - 9.30am Stereo Microphone techniques / / / Bring: Any audio media recording device. GPS FOR THE HAPPILY LOST Steve Durie & Bruce Gardner - 45mins - 10.15am Learn the ins & outs and ups & downs of capturing GPS data and it's applications. Possible crazy camera tracking trips. / / / Bring: your body, your eyes. laptops are optional. STREAMING MEDIA Adam Hyde - 90mins max - 11am Learn how to send a live audio and/or video stream across the internet on any platform. / / / Bring: your laptop. software setup is included. GOOGLE MAP HACKS Andrea Polli - 90mins - 11am Learn how to do a google map hack and about sound mapping 12.30 - 1.30 Discussion of proposal for Media labs in New Zealand led by Adam Hyde. 1.30 - 2.30pm Lunch 2.30 - 3.30pm Discussion of SCANZ artists' responses to residency, and the future of SCANZ 3.30 - 4.30pm SCANZ/ADA Wrap. Future directions for ADA 5pm Hangi on a farm at Oakura, cost $22 per person. How to participate: ADA@S... is open to all interested people. The registration fee is $35 (covering afternoon tea and the exhibition opening on Saturday, and morning tea and lunch on Sunday, as well as participation in all the events and workshops outlined above. Restaurant dinner and hangi are extra.