Dunedin Symposium – works

Dunedin Symposium – works

Dunedin Symposium –  activities & artist works

Friday 13 3pm Vogel Street

Birgit BachlerDiscrete Dialogue Network

An autonomous communication network for leaving anonymous voice messages to strangers in public space. This network proposes an alternative to the flatness of common online social networks.


Tracey BensonWalks of absent memory

Using Augmented reality the audience (tourist) explores the city through the eyes of an absent stranger – recreating a fictional memory lost in time. The work is designed to play with the notion of a networked city and the virtual, architectural and historic implications of an ever emerging urban space.



Elizabeth BryceDrawing a Paper Canoe

Drawing old unseen watercourses using contemporary media.
Land was drained, water was hidden or re routed, hills were flattened and used to fill swampy areas on the shoreline. Streams that descended from the Dunedin hill suburbs through the ‘green belt area’ into the Octagon and Moray place went under some buildings, the shoreline was not far from Queen’s Gardens and Water and Jetty Streets were aptly named.

Ted Whitaker  – Videodrome (Mobile Reality Sculpture)

An atmospheric diving helmet descends on demand from a Vogel Street Penthouse. Inside the helmet an iPhone device is adhered to the inside latch functioning as a mode to navigate the immediate environment. Videodrome integrates the physical surroundings, blending site-specific virtual data using Augmented Reality technology.

Saturday 2pm – various locations 

Keith ArmstrongLong Time, No See (walkshop)

Following on from Keith’s presentation in the morning, participants will join the hopeful adventure and take part in compass setting and guided walk activity in the Dunedin environment as part of the Long Time, No See project. Follow the activity, get more information and app downloads available through the community.

Becca Wood – A digital meditation and a choreography of mumbles – A Social choreography for the ears (walk)

A headphone based social choreo-graphy that invites critical engagement with place, the body and networked spaces through augmented listening and participatory choreographic strategies. This is one of a series of site-based, somatically attuned aural choreo-graphies that have been sited in urban spaces in Auckland, Dunedin, Sydney, Prague and Chichester in the UK.


Janine RandersonNeighbourhood Hope Index (workshop)

Janine is the Mesh Cities Touring artist for 2013. In this workshop she discusses her work Neighbourhood Air using sensor and meteorological data and will facilitate discussion about developing the collaborative group toward realising her Christchurch based work Neighbourhood Hope Index.