Energetics & Informatics

Whanganui, December 10-12 2010

The 7th ADA Network Symposium examines the relationship between energy and information in media arts. We ask how sustainable is the technology that supports media art? What new forms of practice are developing at the intersection of energy conservation and production, technology, and art? And how can we balance a global arts practice with the ethical complexities of global air travel, and the social complexities of remote participation?

These issues will be explored through keynote presentations, discussions, artist presentations, workshops, a screening programme and two exhibitions.


The symposium features keynote presentations by internationally renowned sound and media arts theorist Douglas Kahn, and Australian artists Joyce Hinterding and David Haines, and a remote conversation with London-based media artist Graham Harwood, creator of the Coal Fired Computer.

A wide range of artists and researchers from Whanganui and around New Zealand will present current projects in art and sustainable energy, in conference sessions including Sustainable Media (Art), Energy Networks, and Social Energy.

Friday December 10 is dedicated to a day long workshop with American artist John Hopkins that will explore Whanganui and its river, via Waka. This is a parallel event organised by The Green Bench, with support from Creative Communities.

An outdoor screening programme on the exterior of the Sargeant Gallery on Saturday December 11, curated by Sophie Jerram, Julian Priest and Ana Terry, includes films by artists such as Superflex, Hans Uber Morgen, Brit Bunkley, Amelia Hitchcock, Erin Coates, Karen Curley and Don Hunter.

In association with ADA, The Sargeant Gallery presents ‘Ozinal’ 2010 (a radio station from the sun) by Joyce Hinterding and David Haines, courtesy of the Artists and Breenspace, opening December 10 at 5:30.

And the Green Bench Gallery will be showing ‘Burn’, an exhibition of work about Oil, curated by Julian Priest, Sophie Klerk, and Sophie Jerram. This opens on December 3 at 5:30, and features works by artists including Superflex, Hans Uber Morgen, Felicity Priest, and the Whanganui Rock and Lapidary Club.

The ADA Network Trust invites artists, researchers, curators, art enthusiasts, energy researchers, and all those interested in energy, information, and media art from Whanganui and around New Zealand to participate.

Energetics and Informatics takes place December 10-12, at the War Memorial Conference Centre, Watt St, Whanganui

Cost: registration is $30, this includes symposium, workshop, outdoor screening, exhibitions and the ‘ADA free lunch.’

For registration and more information see http://symposium10.aotearoadigitalarts.org.nz/register

Energetics and Informatics is supported by Creative New Zealand, Whanganui District Council, Hikurangi Foundation, Green Bench Ltd, UCOL, Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui School of Design, Quay School of the Arts, Art Crew Ltd, Ana Terry Design, Whanganui Green Bikes and The Physics Room.

Douglas Kahn’s keynote is part of a distributed series of talks and discussions occurring throughout New Zealand in December 2010. Parts two and three will occur in Christchurch and Auckland respectively. The distributed masterclass is generously supported by Creative New Zealand, The Physics Room and the Gus Fisher Gallery.