Tending Networks, 2008

Tending Networks: The 5th Aotearoa Digital Arts Symposium addresses new developments, connections, and opportunities in digital, new media and electronic art practice in New Zealand and internationally.

Featuring presentations by major international artists Young Hae Chang Heavy Industries of Korea, and Adam Hyde, a New Zealander based in Amsterdam. A wide range of artists and researchers from Christchurch and around New Zealand  will present current projects, and panel discussions focus on the creation of new work, including the role of community networks, the value of collaboration, and the challenges posed by exhibiting digital art.

Tending Networks February 23-24, 2008,
Design and Arts College of New Zealand,
116 Worcester St, Christchurch.
Cost: $50 (waged), $30 (unwaged and Physics Room members)
Tending Networks is supported by The Physics Room Contemporary Art Project Space, Design and Arts College of New Zealand, Creative New Zealand, the Asia New Zealand Foundation, and the ADA Trust.