Govett Brewster Gallery
Photos by Stella Brennan

Testuo Kogawa will visit the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery February 3-5 to
lead a mini-FM festival during which time he will conduct workshops,
performances and lectures. Friday 3 February and on Saturday 4 February
workshops are for beginners and Sunday 5 February for advance participants
only. The Friday session will have an audience of children (ages 11-13). On
the evening of Sunday 5 February, Tetsuo will also carry out a Radioart
Party and conduct live phone interviews to media activists and members of
the international community of low power radio and micro-TV. Please be
advice that all workshops require pre-registration.

Tetsuo will also be delivering a lecture at the Auckland University 7
February at 1pm. Further details will follow.

Tetsuo Kogawa is currently Professor of Communication studies at Tokyo Keiza
University.  In the 1980s Kogawa introduced free radio to Japan, Kogawa
advocated media freedom, offering Œmicro-Œ or Œnarrow-casting¹ as an
alternative to the fast growing global mass-media and is widely know for his
blend of criticism, performance and activism. He has written over 30 books
on media culture, film, city and urban space, and micro politics. He has
shown his artistic and useful workshops to build Mini-FM transmitters in
many cities of Canada, US and Europe.