Maggie Buxton


A grey sky with lots of clouds.

‘Place’ is an ongoing, transdisciplinary engagement utilising geo-reality mobile software in suburban South Auckland. Place brings together tangata-whenua, scientists, local historians, hobbyists and local residents to reveal, collaborate with, support and celebrate the spirit of place in Papakura, Tamaki Makaurau.

Beginning in 2013 with a simultaneous Matariki exhibition on-site (using geo-reality tools and the audiences mobile phones) and an installation in a local gallery, ‘place’ has most recently involved the creation of a mobile application for a local marae which celebrates their stories across dimensions of time.

Place is ever evolving. The vision is to gradually reveal the many hidden layers of the town, augmenting the spirit of place through digital material, physical intervention and positive spiritual intention.

See also:,%20maggie%20place&refx=&uilang=en